Manufacturing companies rely on many different equipment to produce products that are specific to their industries. These machines can be used in environments where there is a lot of dirt, grease, grime and chemicals. These particles can get on products and cause damage or stop certain processes from being completed.
These particles can also be inhaled through daily exposure. These particles can build up in components and cause them to fail to function at their full potential. Certain industries, like semiconductor manufacturing, require that contaminants are not allowed to enter the shop floor. Clean rooms are used in order to remove particles from workers’ shoes and clothing.
Cleaning process equipment is used to clean industrial and technical machines, as well as clean rooms. Based on the type of work, the machine that needs cleaning and the contaminants present in the area, workers use a variety of cleaning tools. Proper cleaning techniques can help you avoid downtime. The latest pressurized cleaning technology allows workers to direct water and air into difficult-to-reach places to clean the dirt and grime on components, products, and surfaces.
How to Clean and Maintain Industrial Manufacturing Equipment
Facility managers need to evaluate the machines within their workspace. It is possible to determine the frequency with which the machine is used and what chemicals are present that could cause problems. You should also assess the machine’s components to determine the best cleaning methods.
Some equipment can be cleaned with extreme care, while others require special cleaning techniques to protect delicate parts. You can choose the best cleaning method for your space after you have assessed its cleaning requirements. You might use the following cleaning methods:
Industrial decontamination: This refers to the use of deep cleaning tools to remove substances. There are three main methods for decontaminating: chemically neutralizing existing substances or physically removing contaminants. Clean rooms can also be used to remove contaminants from the environment. This is done to make sure that no foreign substances are introduced into products or processes.
Industrial Vacuuming: This uses reverse air pressure to remove any particles and contaminants from surfaces. It can be used to clean walls, floors and equipment. There are many types of industrial vacuums. These include stationary and mobile vacuums as well as vacuum systems that allow workers to pull the hoses from the wall.
Hydro blasting is also known as pressure washing. It uses high pressure water to clean components, machines and products. This process is commonly used to remove lead and paint. However, it can also be used to remove stubborn grime or other contaminants that are hard to move. This process can also be used for machines that are hard to reach.
To minimize equipment downtimes, create a cleaning schedule that fits your facility’s operations. All cleaning procedures and policies that have been developed by the company should be followed by employees.
Use Pressure Washers and Water Cannons
To remove certain substances from equipment, you can use water cannons or pressure washers in many indoor and outdoor settings. This equipment is often used by workers to clean machines that have a buildup or grime that is not easily removed with manual cleaning methods.
These high pressure washers are smaller and more portable than larger models. This equipment can produce water pressures as low as 2.2 GPM (gallons per hour) and as high as 10 GPM. These tank cleaning nozzle machines can be used by workers on shop floors to clean dirt and grime off delicate parts. Pressure washers are used in industrial processes to remove grease, dirt and chemicals from built-products before they move on to other areas.
Water cannons are larger systems that have nozzles that extract large amounts of dirt with each pass of the water jet. These cannons are often used outdoors to clean dirt, grease, chemicals, and heavy equipment. Water pressures can vary from 20 to 150 gpm from water cannons.
Make sure you schedule preventive maintenance for your cleaning equipment
After cleaning the equipment, inspect the machines for signs of wear or damage. Make repairs or replacements to cleaning equipment. Before using cleaning equipment, make sure it is properly tested to ensure that the correct amount of water and air pressure has been released. Cleaning equipment that is too pressure can cause damage to the machines being cleaned or may not be able to clean the entire equipment.
Preventive maintenance can be scheduled to ensure that the machines are in good working order. Follow all instructions from the manufacturer regarding equipment maintenance.
Track and Use Your Data
The technological innovations that have enabled industrial equipment to communicate virtually with one another and to monitor systems has allowed them to be connected virtually. Equipment sends real-time information about their operation. This data can be used to track both process cleaning and operational equipment. Workers may notice any anomalies in the data to determine if equipment isn’t running at its best. You can then use the data to plan cleaning and perform maintenance immediately.
These equipment data can also indicate inefficiencies due to the working environment. You may need to use additional ventilation and cleaning methods to remove contaminants from equipment.