Every HR expert tasked with finding the perfect talent for their businesses is searching for equipment to help them in the fee. Some are checking out AI. Others are employing a difference in their benefits approach which makes the business much more appealing to job candidates. Naturally, those are merely several of the more popular ones.
You can also find those choices that happen to be more pie in the skies principles, at least that is what they appear to be at the moment. Among them: blockchain.
A lot more than likely the term blockchain conjures up ideas of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. While that is a suitable thought, blockchain technology represents much more to the HR professional than a means to observe financial changes online. It presents an unique application in their recruiting arsenal.
Blockchain in Recruitment
For recruiters, reading and searching through resumes is an arduous and long process. It calls for a considerable level of verifying education, work experience, certifications, and candidate skills. Imagine today if all those very same resumes were in a blockchain.
Once info is entered in to some blockchain, it can’t be edited. Owners are only able to add info, and also then it should be authorized by those with permission to access the chain.
When put in context of crypto recruitment, the road is clear. When an individual causes a blockchain resume, it can’t be altered. This presents recruiters an opportunity to confirm a candidate’s credentials in a protected manner. Additionally, it cuts down on the chances those credentials could be changed or faked. Put quite simply, it impairs the capability of an individual to exaggerate and flat out lie on the resumes of theirs.
Additionally, it enables real candidate history being captured.
At minimum 2 corporations want at utilizing blockchain in the recruiting space. Recruit Technologies and Ascribe are creating a prototype blockchain resume authentication program for job hunters. It will allow for electronic verification of resumes and certificates.
Blockchain Reality Sets In
But there are several issues. Verifying a person’s learning is but one thing. Looking at the details and employment history involved there’s something totally different.
LinkedIn John Jersin suggests contemplating the typical resume for a moment. If the prospective employer needed to see had been the final 5 places a candidate worked out, the resume could be rather light. But most recruiters should view the candidate’s story. What did they do while they had been used in a specific task? What successes did they’ve? There’s very much to convey. While that info can be discussed in a blockchain, it’s really tough to change.
Furthermore, how many employers would like employees sharing info about a place which could be considered proprietary if you’ll? It might conceivably result in the company’s best talent getting poached by competitors. As well as if that info is made public, how would it be confirmed? It will be hard to prove if the info being provided is truthful or accurate.
Additionally, there are legality concerns.
Today’s blockchain technology doesn’t play nicely with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within the European Union. GDPR sets forth rules which state a person must have the ability to change or delete any private information at anytime. Which goes against blockchain’s most basic benefit. It’s virtually impossible to alter and delete info once it’s been entered into a blockchain.
That is not the sole authorized blow to the engineering. Just love GDPR, the United States has its very own rules reported in the Fair Credit Report Act. It specifically details the rights someone has when being considered for work. Once again, if an individual is not able to change the info within the chain, they might be very easily misrepresented which can broach legality concerns.
In summation
Do not count on blockchain to a huge participant in the recruiting field in the near future. The technology continues to be restricted by a shortage of regulation. Additionally, it lacks sufficient standardization. Until that happens, it is gon na be really difficult to use the know-how to recruitment. Once again, it only needs some refinement.
With almost all of that said, blockchain has its uses from an HR perspective.
HR deals heavily in economic data and personnel. As a result, that helps make HR departments a prime target for other cyber criminals and hackers. Due to blockchain’s characteristics, it severely cripples cyber criminals’ capabilities to hack and bring about mayhem with this particular kind of individualized information.
So, do not rely on blockchain right now, but do not count it out there in the future.