ISO 9001, the most widely recognized and trusted standard in quality management, is the best. It demonstrates that a business takes great care in delivering its products or services. Many businesses are seeking this certification. But why is that? This article will examine the 10 benefits of ISO 9001 certification, and how they can positively impact your business.
1. Higher chance of winning contracts
The ISO 9001 certificate can help a business secure partnerships with the public and private sector. Public sector tenders require ISO 9001 certification. It is a signal that a business runs well and is reliable. Many private sector companies have made it a requirement of their suppliers that they be certified to ISO 9001. This certifies that quality is valued and can be relied upon in every aspect of the business.
2. Higher customer satisfaction
Tracking customer satisfaction and responding promptly to any complaints is one of the most important aspects in ISO 9001. Companies that are ISO 9001 certified show that they value this issue.
3. Product or service problems are reduced
Companies that have been certified ISO 9001 are better equipped to handle the unexpected. There will be processes that ensure that a problem with a product is addressed quickly and doesn’t recur.
4. Improved management
A key element in running a business is good analysis and reporting. This is where the ISO 9001 standard comes in.
5. Improved consistency in business practice
It will bring consistency to all, customers included, by implementing the standards. It makes sure that all processes in a company are understood and consistent. This helps employees focus on the task at hand, instead of spending too much time trying to figure out what to do.
6. Improved job security and employee satisfaction
A well-defined business process and clear management will result in staff feeling more satisfied and secure in their work.
7. Lower costs
Insurance premiums may be lower if you are able to achieve and maintain ISO 9001 certification. This is because insurance companies recognize that these businesses have processes and controls that reduce the risk.
8. Streamlined business processes
Unnecessary paperwork is not something any business wants, but many businesses find themselves in that exact position. It is important to streamline business processes because of the ISO 9001 standards. Regular reviews ensure that processes do not become inefficient.
9. Continuous improvement
A quality management system will provide a solid foundation for improvement that can be made every year.
10. Business improvement
The cumulative effect of all nine benefits is a general business improvement, and therefore profit.
Whether ISO 9001 certification has been something you have been thinking about for some time or if you are new to it, you will be able to reap the benefits of ISO9001 certification. For a free discussion on your options, or if you have questions about the requirements for certification, please contact us. We can tailor a solution to meet your needs, no matter how complex they may be.