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Why Choose Loose Tea?

What are the advantages of tea made from loose leaf vs. tea bags? Turn on the kettle (and make sure you have the digestive) as we’ll discover the reasons why tea drinkers should go with loose leaf tea!

(speedy) answer (speedy) answer

Tea made from loose leaf is more delicious than tea bags due to the fact that it’s made from fresh tea leaves that are not broken generally more nutritious and more flavorful. Tea drinkers who consume loose leaf tea also get a better brew that is rich in antioxidants. Additionally loose leaf tea is more sustainableand there’s no need to fret about tea bags that aren’t biodegradable lingering in the earth for hundreds of years!

Tea Lovers We’re all Tea Lovers, aren’t you?

In Britain we drink, brew and drink our way through 60 billion tea bags per year. Do you struggle to wrap your mind around the numbers (we do)? Think about it this way the teabags that 61 billion people consume could cover 31,000 soccer pitches. Staggering, isn’t it? Particularly when we consider that this is equivalent to around 1,460 teabags per person each year.

We’re all in favor of teabags making. However, should we? Do you know of a healthier, more delicious and green alternative to the mass-produced tea bags?

Based on what’s in the name of this article I’m guessing you’ve guessed that I’m about to say”YES. There is definitely an alternative for tea and biccie fans! Check out five reasons to consider loose tea.
First… is loose leaf tea? exactly is loose tea?

Let’s first clarify the concept of what loose leaf tea is.

Loose leaf tea is a type of tea comprised entirely of leaves. They arrive loose rather than packaged in teabags and usually are much better in quality than the typical teabag (or pouch, pyramid or whatever they’re calling them today). Teabags typically contain broken leaves, referred to in the world of tea as ‘fannings’, or dust’. These are tiny bits leftover from the finest loose leaves, and are lower in quality.

You can make loose leaf tea numerous ways. Did you know that you can even make use of the French press? Infusers are probably the most efficient method to brew loose leaf tea. Simply add water, place it into your teapot, or mug, and then make tea! Tasty!

Amazing TASTE!

If you’ve learned the basics now, let’s dive into those five benefits of purchasing loose tea.

The first one is not the most harrowing since FLAVOUR is the main reason why we do not. 1. Fannings and dust are as their name suggests smaller and therefore have a greater surface area. Did you remember the above in GCSE science? An increase in the area of the surface increases the speed at which flavor-packed essential oils are evaporated out of your tea. This results in tea having less flavor, less aroma and a duller flavor. Yum (not).

Teabags tend to be bitter, in addition. The reason is that the tiny crushed particles absorb more tannins into your tea cup. Tannins are polyphenols with positive health effects, but they also impart a bitter taste to tea. They’re found in tea leaves, and they transfer faster in the presence of a larger amount of surface (i.e. when you’re using tea bags).

The loose leaf brewing process allows the leaves to enjoy the freedom they need. Instead of being constrained to the form of the container, the leaves have the ability to move and expand in a variety of ways. Hot water is able to move over the leaves and get the gorgeous smell and taste. The result? A sparklingly fresh and fresh tea bursting with your favourite flavors!

Head here if you’re searching for an automatic loose leaf tea maker:

Tea that is properly brewed and fresh

If we’re talking about tea or tagliatelle fresh is always the best. Select loose leaf tea and you’ll get a clean flavorful, full-flavored tea instead of something that’s been sitting for months (or longer) in the supermarket aisles. We source our finest loose-leaf tea from estates and purchase them in small quantities to guarantee the freshness of our teas. This ensures you get an authentic tea experience that is fresh and delicious tea that changes each time based on the growing conditions and harvesting methods.

Industrially processed teabags on the other hand, generally include tea that has been selected for standardisation. The big teabag manufacturers bring fannings from different places around the world to create the perfect blend of tea that tastes identical. In the case of teabags, it’s generally the quality and cost that matter, more than freshness and ethics (and those are the things we tea drinkers love). …).

Sip sip SUSTAINABLE tea!

Do loose leaf teas do more in terms of environmental impact? Most of the time it’s an overwhelming (green)”yes.

The previous year BBC conducted an experiment. BBC did an experiment in order to determine what teabags contained plastic:

The teabags were placed in a solution of copper ammonia for five days
This disintegrates all materials, except plastic.
Certain bags completely degraded while others left an skeleton of plastic teabags which is an earth-polluting skeleton which will stay in the soil for many decades…

Teabags typically require plastic in order to close properly. Manufacturers utilize a polymer made of plastic called polypropylene that keeps the bags sealed even when hot water is used. The amount of plastic used may seem small however it all adds to. Think back to those 31,000 football fields we talked about in the past…

The decision to buy a teabag that is plastic-free is not without its challenges. Some teabags labeled as green are made of PLA which is a plant-based plastic that is not home compostable. Other teabags are made from natural materials such as abaca that you can compost. Biodegrade, compost, or bin… placing teabags incorrectly may cause more problems than it is able to solve.

Why not make things simpler and make loose leaf tea? It’s easy, there’s no fuss, no package-checking and no google-searching. You just have sustainable tea leaves that can throw directly onto the compost or put for your garden.

Loose leaf tea is extremely healthful and healthy

Tea is a treasure trove of healthful properties such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. However, to get the best of its nourishing nutrients for your body you must make tea from whole leaves instead of tea bags. With more space to expand and move leaves, whole leaves can fill your water full of of their wonderful vitamins, minerals and nutrients, giving your drink a full of flavor and health!

Green tea is a goldmine in terms of health. It’s a source of L-theanine which is an amino acid that aids in reducing anxiety and helps with focus. Green tea is believed to boost metabolism and lower the risk of developing cancer as well.

It is also a great source of polyphenols, which are healthy. The organic compound is brimming with antioxidants and provide many health benefits longer than your leg and arm! Green tea is particularly high in catechins, which is a good polyphenol you must include to incorporate into your diet. Catechins are the highest in the whole leaf, since they break down much faster in the dusty fanning (it’s all to do with the greater surface area). …).

Tea your way

Need another reason to why you should invest in loose tea? Because loose leaf tea allows you to make your tea in the way you prefer. If you use teabags, you are required to use the amount packed in the bag. However, you may not need this quantity. It’s possible you’d prefer a cup that is a bit heavier or less delicate. The answer is “tough,” says the teabag.

If you use loose leaves it’s a personalisation station. You can use a bit of tea or a little depending on what catches your taste. However, don’t be concerned that this doesn’t mean you’re going to be making your own. Do you want to know how to brew loose leaf tea? We’ve got you covered for this!

If you are using an electric teapot and wish making tea in two portions people, begin with four teaspoons (10g) in tea, and then 800ml water that is boiling.
Do you prefer infusers? Try 1 teaspoon (around three grams) from loose leaf tea per cup. If you’d like to make the tea more flavorful, simply include more tea leaves or let it brew an extra few minutes. Easy (and SO delicious)!

Get rid of the tea bags and switch onto loose tea!

Perhaps we should make the switch on loose tea. Since did you know that just 3percent of British households made tea using tea bags in 1963? The remainder, a tea-lovin 97% of them, placed loose tea leaves in their teapots. Gran and Grandpa were experts did they not?

If you’re wondering how to go from tea bags for loose leaf tea we suggest reviewing the description of flavour and name on the teabag box. Do you want a malty breakfast tea, or a sophisticated Darjeeling? Choose your tea of choice with loose leaves. You’ll be able to enjoy all your favorite flavors, but much more flavorful and fresher!