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All About The Mandibular Advancement Device

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Mandibular advancement device (MAD) is an effective treatment for snoring and sleep apnea. It’s also sometimes referred to a mandibular repositioning device (MRD).

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, millions of people in the United States snore while sleeping. Snoring isn’t only an audible nuisance but can also disturb a person’s sleeping patterns and decrease its overall quality.

A mandibular advance device might be one option. Read on to find out more.

About 22 million people in the U.S. have obstructive sleep apnea. When the body relaxes, their throat also relaxes. The result is an increase in airway size which can cause distinct snoring sounds when breathing.

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the linings of the throat are completely closed, blocking breathing.

Many people are unaware that they suffer from sleep apnea. Common symptoms, besides snoring, include:

being tired and sluggish throughout the daytime
A sudden awakening during the night
difficulty with focus and memory
pauses in breathing while asleep, which a partner will usually notice
migraines that start in the morning

People who think that they might have this problem may want to think about having a sleep study, which could confirm the presence of sleep apnea. Upon diagnosis, a sleep specialist will suggest possible treatment solutions.

The treatments for sleep apnea consist of:

lifestyle changes, such as switching sleep positions, weight loss and allergy treatments
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) appliance
oral devices, for instance an MAD

CPAP is the most common treatment for sleep apnea.

A MAD is a different treatment that anyone might attempt. It works by temporarily moving the tongue and jaw forward which decreases constriction of the throat and helps prevent sleep apnea and snoring. Moving the tongue forward will increase the airway space.

You can buy the Best Mandibular Advancement Device Amazon.

Certain MADs are custom or semi-custom and designed for a specific mouth. Others are also known as boil-and-bite MADs, are readily available on the internet (OTC). They feature soft materials that expand and become more flexible upon exposure to hot water. A biting down on the flexible mold helps fit the device.

The authors of an 2018 review note that more study is required to establish the efficacy of each kind of MAD.

It is important to note this MADs are not appropriate for those who wear dentures , or who have significant dental issues.

The primary benefit of an MA device is that it assists in reducing the risk of snoring as well as sleep apnea.

A 2000 study on 22 people’s use of MADs over 12-30 months suggests that these devices are useful for treating sleep apnea , as well as snoring.

All of the study participants would like to continue using MADs. The number of participants was very tiny.

In the report of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners The people who stand to gain the most benefit from MADs are those who:

people with moderate to mild sleep apnea
young people
People with sleep apnea whose condition improves when they sleep on their backs
those with a receding jaw structure (also called a retrognathic mandible)

The following groups are less likely to notice the improvement of symptoms associated with MADs:

older adults
individuals who are obese and with extra fat tissue around the neck
those with a stiff jaw who have a stiff jaw, which can make advancement difficult
individuals with dental problems, such as gum disease
people suffering from central sleep apnea. This is a neurological condition rather than a mechanical one

Find out more about central sleep apnea here.

While MAD can reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea and snoring, there are a few negative side negative effects. This can include:

discomforts around the jaw and mouth area
excessive drooling
dry mouth
gum irritation

The side effects of using the MA device are usually mild. However, they might result in people deciding to not treat with an MAD.

While CPAP is the most effective method for treating sleep apnea, many people are not able to keep up with the treatment. About half of the people who are using CPAP therapy to treat sleep apnea ultimately stop treatment.

A review in The Journal of Thoracic Disease suggests that MADs are useful for people who have mild sleep apnea or struggle in CPAP treatment.

CPAP can be more efficient than MADs to treat sleep apnea. However, patients tend to make use of MADs more readily and this treatment is cheaper than CPAP.

Comparatively to CPAP, MADs are portable and take up virtually all the physical space of a bedroom, and do not produce noise. They do not even require electricity. However, they’re not appropriate for everyone.

The American Thoracic Society explain that MADs can be beneficial in reducing symptoms, but not for fully managing sleep apnea. They say they believe that CPAP tends to give immediate relief from sleep apnea symptoms.

Alongside CPAP and MADs Sleep apnea treatment choices include:

Surgery: Surgery for sleep apnea usually entails taking out any excess tissue at the back of the throat to decrease airway restrictions.
In terms of losing weight, this long-term remedy can help relieve sleep apnea signs by reducing neck fat.
Limiting alcohol and smoking cigarettes consumption. Doing both will lessen the risk of constricted airways in the course of time.
Allergy medications: Nasal decongestants and other OTC allergy medicines can improve the flow of air and assist people in breathing through their noses when they sleep.
Altering the position of their sleep: People could try changing their sleeping positions and lying on their side to test the effects improve. The people with the condition are more likely to suffer symptoms while sleeping on their back.

Mandibular advancement devices can be a helpful tool for treating sleep apnea, snoring, and other sleep disorders.

They can be used with little or no complications, are easy to use, and are more cost effective than CPAP.

However, MADs are not suitable for everyone. Sleep apnea sufferers with severe symptoms, which is also known as central sleep disorder, might not be able to find relief using these kinds of devices.

If you are concerned that they might have sleep apnea must consult their doctor or visit a sleep specialist. A sleep study could prove a confirmation of a diagnosis for sleep apnea. A specialist can then suggest treatments.