The snoring treatment is not suitable for all. This is because there are many reasons for Snoring. Here are seven of our most effective stop snoring aids which have been proven to assist many of our users stop snoring…
1. Special pillows
A fantastic, non-invasive snoring device is an anti-snoring pillow. There are many pillow designs that combat snoring in different ways:
Pillows for side sleeping Side sleeping is one of the most effective methods to decrease the sound of your snore. It’s not easy to achieve if you’re habitually lying on the back. Therefore, pillows with ridges could be the solution.
CPAP pillows are ergonomically designed cut-outs to accommodate the mask and hose of a CPAP device to avoid any pressure on your face. unintentional removal or misalignment that can cause air leakage.
Adjustment pillows can align your head and neck properly in order to prevent airway compression. The “cervical repositioning” method can help reduce sleep quality and provide more peaceful sleep.
Foam wedge pillows are great for those who prefer sleep on your stomach. Sleepers who are back are more at risk of snoring as a result of the mass of tissue that surrounds your airway and compressing it. A slight tilt of your head as with a wedge pillow, has been shown to offer dramatic advantages for many people.
2. Smart Nora
This Smart Nora system is a unique, innovative, and effective, non-invasive snoring treatment that is unlike other. It’s ideal for those who have tried everything and could well be the only snoring aid you buy.
“Several times my scores were way off the mark as compared with other users but with Smart Nora, they dropped significantly.”
Smart Nora manipulates your normal pillow. Simply slide the inflatable expander beneath your pillow and then fall asleep. When the detector device detects the sound of snoring, it activates the expander, which inflates. This will gently move your head, bringing back muscular tone to your airways and stop snoring.
Smart Nora solves snoring like no other snoring tool. Smart Nora gets to the root of snoring and focuses on the common factor: your airway is comfortable. Since everyone has a relaxed airway to some extent, Smart Nora is suitable for a range of snorers.
Side, back and fronts sleepers
Breathers with mouths that are closed or open.
Snoring sufferers whose condition has gotten worse due to age
Those who can’t tolerate mouthpieces
3. Mouthpieces
Anti-snoring mouthpieces are an effective solution for around 50% of people who snore. One such option is called a mandibular advancement device (MAD). The device moves your jaw forward, allowing you to tighten tissues in your airway that are more prone to sliding and causing a snoring sound. MADs are a useful way to snore.
Snoring is more noticeable for those who are lying on their back
Overweight snorers
Patients who wake up frequently with the sensation of a sore throat or headache
Snoring sufferers whose condition has become worse as they age
There are many kinds of MAD that are available, and choosing the right one can be a bit confusing. For the highest quality we recommend getting a mouthpiece made to order by a dentist. However this could be costly.
There is still a wide selection of high quality mouthpieces, but you don’t have to pay a lot for a custom-made model. If you buy a standard mouthpiece online, we recommend adjustable mouthpieces , or ones that are available in a variety of sizes; this will allow you to get comfortable the mouthpiece and will not cause discomfort.
Three MADs that receive our approval
The mouthpiece is small, lightweight, comes in two sizes and crucially allows some side jaw movements for more comfort.
A top-quality mouthpiece, with molds that are custom-made, millimeter adjustments, and medical grade materials.
Adjustable, with two different sizes and slimline – this mouthpiece ticks many boxes.
Other mouthpieces can be used to combat one of the main reasons for snoring: your tongue. The “tongue retainers” attach to the back of your tongue in order to prevent it falling back into your airway, where it can cause obstruction.
We recommend our Good Morning Snore Solution. In contrast to some MADs they don’t cause jaw pain and doesn’t require any special to fit. It may help with snoring:
Snoring problems that have worsened as they age
Nighttime mouth breathers
People who sleep on their back
Mild to moderate sleep apnea sufferers
4. Air purifiers and humidifiers
Clean, humid air is one of the most important steps towards banishing snoring.
Snoring can be caused by air purifiers due to allergies and pollutant. The irritants and allergens that cause irritation can affect the airways of our upper respiratory tract, leading to swollen and stuffy throats, increasing our resistance to air that we breathe.
Air purifiers can be the perfect solution to stop snorers who
Have you got hay fever?
You may suffer from dust allergies.
Live in a house with pets
Living in a place that is polluted
Smoke cigarettes, smoke, or reside in a home that has smokers
If you are buying an air purifier, look for the type of filter used and the size particles it can eliminate. Also pay attention to the amount of noise it generates and whether it is able to be easily moved around the home. We love the Levoit Compact HEPA air purifier since it’s lightweight as well as quiet, safe and efficient, as well as design that draws air from all angles.
Humidifiers add humidity to the dry air. This is a fantastic help in snoring to those who
People who live in dry climates
You can sleep with your mouth open.
Frequently have colds or sinus issues
Utilize air conditioning at their home
Find that CPAP dries their airways
Are pregnant
There are two major types of air purifier such as warm and cold mist. Both of them will effectively humidify the air in your home. We prefer the warm mist because:
The heat kills potentially harmful bacteria that can be accumulating in the unit.
The mist can be treated with various aromatherapies.
Warm air mimics the characteristics the nose.
5. SomniFix mouth strips
This simple, cheap and non-invasive method stops noisy, unhealthy mouth breathing by gently squeezing your lips together in order to force the breath to flow through your mouth.
Your mouth breath is among the most common causes of snoring. It makes your throat more compressed, and pushes your tongue to move further back into the airway, which reduces the space available and increases resistance.
While also delivering great results for stopping snoring, improving nasal breathing by using SomniFix also has other health benefitsthat will give you more rest and lessening the risk of getting sick and allergies.
6. Neti pots
It is a must-have item for anyone who has a tendency to be congested and is prone to snoring. neti pots are a wonderful natural solution to clean the nasal passages that are blocked. When you use a neti mug, you pour salt water into your nostrils to flush out whatever is blocking your nose, soothing the aggravated tissue.
The process of cleaning your nasal passages by using a neti pot removes allergens and irritants. It also clears the excess mucus, and eases your irritation of your nose. We recommend neti pots for:
People who suffer from allergies to pollen or dust
Seasonal colds
Snorers living in areas with poor air quality
Patients with chronic sinus problems
7. Nasal dilators
A blocked nose is the trigger for many people to snore. A popular, non-medicated option to treat nasal blockage that causes snoring is to use the nasal dilator. They provide many advantages over other methods to stop snoring:
They are non-medicated, meaning they don’t have any harmful side-effects they can be used by most people.
Nasal dilators provide instantaneous relief.
Nasal dilation is non-invasive and generally easy to use and.
They don’t become less effective over time.
Nasal dilators are extremely affordable.
Nasal dilators mechanically open up your nasal passageways. There are two major types:
External nasal strips that stick to the bridge of your nose
Nasal dilators inside your nose that expand your nostrils
External nasal dilators allow you to open the most narrow part of your nose, called the nasal valve. The strips are made of plastic rigid that, when bent against the nose, recoil outwards and use this “springboard effect” to draw your nasal passages open.
Nasal dilators work only for around 20% of snorers , however they have proven effective for:
People with a deviated septum or nasal polyps
Women who are pregnant
People with chronic sinus issues
Snoring can be a complex issue; it likely that there’s only one factor that causes your sleeping. Most of the time, one solution isn’t going to completely eliminate the problem. The most effective method for reducing snoring usually requires a combination of remedies for snoring as well as positive lifestyle modifications.